What We Do

The Network brings together organisations with varied land and agriculture expertise to provide evidence-based policy design and implementation advice on access to land, its utilization and the quality of land and agriculture- based livelihoods. The network achieves results at two levels increasing member organizations’ knowledge, coordination and voice; and Informing and influencing the design and implementation of policies for the benefit of citizens deriving livelihoods for land and agriculture-based activities

Thematic Areas of Work

ZiLAN's work is currently organized under four themes namely ; Land Tenure, Production and Finance , Agrarian Markets and Climate Change.


Land Tenure

Key focus areas for the cluster are;
  • Influencing land policy review
  • Strengthening land tenure
  • Conducting awareness raising programs on land rights for women and youths
  • Constitutional literacy on land rights among marginalised groups (farmers, farm workers, women, youth, persons living with disability, persons living with HIV)
  • Parliamentary advocacy (targeting portfolio committees on land, gender, women, youth, persons living with HIV, persons living with disability)

Production & Finance

The production cluster aims at;
  • Influencing policy on sustainable land use practices
  • Influencing policy on access to affordable and sustainable agricultural finance and insurance for small holder farmers
  • Influencing policy for availability of inputs: subsidies, contract farming, agricultural loans, value chain models etc. for smallholder farmers
  • Generating and disseminating evidence based research on sustainable land use and agricultural production practices, models of sustainable agricultural finance and insurance

Agrarian Markets

The cluster focuses on issues relating to;
  • Influencing domestic pricing modalities
  • Linking small holder farmers with alternative domestic, regional, global markets
  • Facilitating and supporting value addition / rural industrialisation
  • Strengthening of producer associations for collective voice
  • Improving small holder farmers capacity to negotiate in contract farming
  • Promotion of food sovereignty and production as well as consumption of small grains

Climate Change

The network’s focus under the climate change cluster entails the following;
  • Sensitisation of the communities and network members on climate change threats
  • Evidence based research on sustainable climate change resilient practices
  • Documentation and dissemination of research findings
  • Organising workshops to share research findings
  • Identifying pilot groups for appropriate technologies that are resilient to harsh climatic conditions which are suitable of small holder farmers
  • Sharing experiences on best practices

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